Clare and Arty’s Creation Station Experience – Week 2

Following Clare and her 2-year-old son called Arty’s experience of Creation Station classes. Here’s Clare’s story of their second shared weekly class.

To read Clare and Arty’s first-week click here and to find out how they get on in future classes follow our blog.

Week 2 Little Explorer Classes: 

“We are into week two and Arty is eager to get started! Once again he puts on a red all- in- one messy suit and sits down to see what Helen has in her treasure chest this week. Squares! So we get down to explore making squares with various materials such as tissue paper, paint, maize and lolly sticks.

Helen encourages Arty to print squares using the sides of wooden blocks, we make picture frames using flat sticks (lolly sticks) and Arty paints his feet and hands on paper and we position them inside the frames. A lovely keepsake to take home and put on his wall. In the background there is Imagination Station music, it really makes the room seem rather magical, with a happy, buzzy energy! Again, Helen got down with Arty and encouraged him to take part in everything and was good to anticipate what he might like to explore next, jumping up and grabbing a bottle of blue paint or more lolly sticks. Really generous with materials, there are no boundaries here and imagination is stretched and explored without limits or restraints on anything. Very relaxing environment where our pretty lively toddler can play through art and we can get involved, feeling included and recognised as an important participant in our child’s learning and play. Roll on week 3”.

Clare Reeve- Artys proud mummy












Classes are designed to help inspire your little one through journeys of exploration discovery and development.

Creation station has the following classes and events available:

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If you would like to come along and enjoy the fun with your little one pop your details below and we’ll let you know the details of local classes and events.

Follow our blog for more exciting activity ideas to do at home to help inspire your child. For local award winning classes, parties and events visit your local creation station for hands-on inspirational classes.

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Children In Need Fundraising Fun

At Creative Hub we have been busy planning how we are going to raise money for Children in Need. We decided that we will be making cakes and going around our local area to sell them to our hungry friends- but to make this a little more fun, we will be wearing pyjamas, something yellow or something spotty! What exciting activities have you got planned to help raise awareness and funds for BBC Children in Need?


Download your own Pudsey activity sheet here

We would love to hear all about your fund raising adventures! So please share your images awesome pictures with #creationstation on The Creation Station Ltd Facebook or Twitter for your chance to win one of our monthly craft giveaways. For free fun craft videos subscribe to The Creation Station Youtube channel. For local classes, parties and events visit