Happy Easter!

Design your very own fun (but non-edible!) Easter egg.

Simply download your Noodle Doodle Egg here.

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How To Make Your Own Easter Egg Decoration

To celebrate Easter we have created this fun and easy garden Easter eggs for you to make at home. Explore using different colours and materials to make your eggs personal and bright! This activity helps to develop your child’s fine motor skills, colour recognition and can make their imagination wonder with the excitement of Easter.

You will need:

Polystyrene Eggs
Paint Brush

Q: Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a joke?                                   A: It might crack up!

For more “How To” videos go to our YouTube Channel and click Subscribe. Share your awesome masterpieces with #CreationStation on The Creation Station Ltd Facebook or Twitter page for your chance to win one of our monthly craft giveaways. For local classes, parties and events visit www.thecreationstation.co.uk


Year Of The Rooster- Chinese New Year Craft

Here is a fun children’s arts and crafts rooster face mask, which is easy and great fun to make to celebrate Chinese New Year. Plus your mask can be used in role play with friends. Your child can decorate their mask with different materials, making different shapes and styles to make it a truly unique rooster mask.

This activity helps to develop your child’s fine motor skills, and colour recognition.

The mask is great to make for fancy dress, festivals, parties and events such as masquerade balls!

For your rooster mask you will need:



Q: Why did the rooster cross the road?

It was the chicken’s day off!

Q: A rooster laid an egg on a barn roof. Which way would it roll?

Roosters don’t lay eggs, hens do!

Q: What do you get if you cross a cocker spaniel, a poodle, and a rooster?


Q:  Chickens rise when the rooster crows, but when do ducks get up?

At the quack of dawn!


For more “How To” videos go to our YouTube Channel and click Subscribe. Share your awesome masterpieces with #creationstation on The Creation Station Ltd Facebook  or Twitterpage for your chance to win one of our monthly craft giveaways. For local classes, parties and events visit www.thecreationstation.co.uk

Clare and Arty’s Creation Station Journey

Following Clare and her 2-year-old son called Arty’s experience of Creation Station classes. To read Clare and Arty’s first and second week at their Creation Station Classes- click here and to find out how they get on in future classes follow our blog.

Week 5 Little Explorer Classes: 

“Arty was on holiday this week and so we missed ‘Creation Station’ today.”

Week 6 Little Explorer Classes:

“Final week and sadly we were unable to attend due
to ill health. Arty was so poorly and I had so wanted him to go but in the end he just wasn’t well enough and I didn’t want to give his germs to the other children. This was our last session of the 6 week block, but we will be
definitely attending more sessions when the new term starts.”

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As a family, we’ve really had a great experience so far at Creation Station. We really enjoy being around Helen as she is such an easy, relaxed person to get along with and always has a smile for everyone. Arty is a really energetic two year old. Whilst the other children were happy to sit and do some art activities, Arty enjoyed them for a short time and then would be looking to run around and we often had to keep bringing him back to the art, but once focused and concentrating on something, he would be fine. Even for energetic and restless children like Arty, there was still much to glean from the experience and he would always finish something and be very proud to bring it home. He has 4 pieces of Creation Station art around his room and he loves it. We often see Helen around town at events and promoting Creation Station in some way or
another and we pop over and do some art and say hello. I think she is a face of the ‘promotion of creativity in children’ in Haverhill now, and that’s so nice. We do still go to some sessions and enjoy it. I think Arty gets so much out of it developmentally, his fine and gross motor hand and eye co-ordination, maths with colours and shapes, literacy – paintbrush strokes and language and communication, listening to the music. The emotional benefits are tremendous as he gets complete autonomy to express himself through the medium of art and creativity, he gets a sense of self-worth and pride in his accomplishments and of course, he benefits socially, by interacting with Helen, the other children and other parents.

I would like to say thank you so much for the gift of Creation Station. I’m so glad it’s come to our town and I can see it being a big part of children’s events and on the clubs timetable for many parents and little artists alike. I hope you like the blog and photos, all that’s left to say is thank you and best of luck for Creation Station!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Love from,

Clare, Arty, Poppy (who has done art activities with Helen at town events) and sometimes daddy!) 🙂 x

Classes are designed to help inspire your little one through journeys of exploration discovery and development.

Creation station has the following classes and events available:

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If you would like to come along and enjoy the fun with your little one pop your details below and we’ll let you know the details of local classes and events.

Follow our blog for more exciting activity ideas to do at home to help inspire your child. For local award winning classes, parties and events visit your local creation station for hands-on inspirational classes.

Follow and like our Facebook or Twitter Page We hope you find this helpful.

Clare and Arty’s Creation Station Experience- Week 3 and 4

Following Clare and her 2-year-old son called Arty’s experience of Creation Station classes. To read Clare and Arty’s first and second week at their Creation Station Classes- click here and to find out how they get on in future classes follow our blog.

Week 3 Little Explorer Classes: 

“Arty discovered the colour yellow this week. So sunny and bright! Everything was yellow, shapes, paint, bricks, balls, lots of different textures and interesting toys and other things to use in making a wonderful ‘creation’. Arty was a little bit hyperactive this morning. He enjoyed doing some painting and then he enjoyed running around the room much to my horror, but Helen was great, she put me at ease and told me that it’s okay, he’s just being a little boy and lots of children are like this. Not a problem at all. Phew! We painted our feet and made sunflowers. It was a lovely session and even though Arty was on the move a lot during this one, he still got lots out of the art on offer :)”.











Week 4 Little Explorer Classes: 

“This week, Arty was a lot more settled and eager to see what was in Helen’s box. He sat with the others and did the ‘Creation Station’ song with Helen and he did all the actions as well. Love the use of words like ‘creation, station, imagination and develops’ in the song. It sets the mood and lets the children know that it’s time to settle in and get ‘creating’ for the next hour. Then, of course the familiar Creation Station CD is played and this always sets a lovely tone for
the whole session ahead. Right, down to business and today’s theme is the colour… Blue! Arty is excited. He sits straight down in his little red overalls and gets to work, smearing large splodges of blue paint all over a huge piece of wallpaper. He rolls blue balls through the paint and he paints blocks with letters of the alphabet raised on them, then prints them onto the paper and we say each letter as he does it and encourage him to have a go too. Helen tells us to ask him what colour the sky is, what colour the sea is and then we start to make ‘sea’ and watery scenes onto smaller pieces of paper for what will be our aquatic picture scene. Arty is given tissue paper and we roll it into little balls and use PVA img_20160802_113728_kindlephoto-38210887glue to stick them onto the paper as well. We cut little pieces of coloured paper, triangles, circles and then we also stick them onto the picture. Arty is encouraged to have a go. He loves cutting and sticking now and he didn’t know how to do this before. He is really keen to try now and is better every week. We went home with a very nice, colourful ocean scene picture. And a very proud two and a half year old. I love how Creation Station encourages parents to get involved and sees the importance of developing parent creative skills and confidence in doing Art with their children. We also, feel a huge sense of pride and building bonds with our children and understanding their individuality and needs.”.

Clare Reeve- Artys proud mummy

Classes are designed to help inspire your little one through journeys of exploration discovery and development.

Creation station has the following classes and events available:

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LE header.jpg

TT header.jpg

If you would like to come along and enjoy the fun with your little one pop your details below and we’ll let you know the details of local classes and events.

Follow our blog for more exciting activity ideas to do at home to help inspire your child. For local award winning classes, parties and events visit your local creation station for hands-on inspirational classes.

Follow and like our Facebook or Twitter Page We hope you find this helpful.

Happy New Year From The Creation Station

Happy New Year!!

We hope you enjoy all your New Year’s Eve celebrations tonight. Why not print off this sheet as a little activity to entertain the little ones.



Become a follower of our blog for more exciting activity ideas to do at home.

For more “How To” videos go to our YouTube Channel and click Subscribe. Share your awesome masterpieces with #creationstation on The Creation Station Ltd Facebook  or Twitterpage for your chance to win one of our monthly craft giveaways. For local classes, parties and events visit www.thecreationstation.co.uk

The Creation Station Christmas Countdown- Christmas Day!

Have a fantastic Christmas with lots of family fun!



The Creation Station Christmas Countdown- Day 5

Christmas Collage

Are you always left with small pieces of wrapping paper you can’t do anything with? Why not make some festive images with the left overs.

You will need:

  • Wrapping paper
  • Pen
  • Glue
  • Card or Paper for background


Become a follower of our blog for more exciting activity ideas to do at home.

For more “How To” videos go to our YouTube Channel and click Subscribe. Share your awesome masterpieces with #creationstation on The Creation Station Ltd Facebook  or Twitterpage for your chance to win one of our monthly craft giveaways. For local classes, parties and events visit www.thecreationstation.co.uk

The Creation Station Christmas Countdown- Day 6

xmas_noodle_2 (1)

For “How To” videos go to our YouTube Channel and click Subscribe. Share your awesome masterpieces with #creationstation on The Creation Station Ltd Facebook  or Twitter page for your chance to win one of our monthly craft giveaways. For local classes, parties and events visit www.thecreationstation.co.uk

The Creation Station Christmas Countdown- Day 8

Hand Print Reefs

You will need:

  • Ribbon
  • Card (depending on what size you would like your reef depends on the amount of card you use. We advise 2-3 pieces)
  • Green Paint (different shades if desired)
  • Red Paint
  • Double sided sticky tape (or glue)

Step 1:

Paint your hand green! but be warned… this can tickle!

Once your hand is painted, make your hand prints on the card. (The more you can fit the better! You may need 2 pieces of card depending on how big you would like your reef.) Try using different shades of green on different hand prints.

Place to the side and allow to dry (this could take between 15- 30 minutes to dry).


Step 2:

With your 3rd piece of card (or second) cut it out into a large circle, and cut out a center like so:



Step 3:

Once your hand prints have dried cut them out individually.

Then begin to over lap them on top of the green circle using your double sided sticky tape (or glue). This should already begin to look like a reef!


Step 4:

Now to add the final touches!

With your red paint get a small amount on your finger and print three dots in the shape of a triangle. You can do this several times around your reef.

Now for the last part!

Get your ribbon (or string) and tape it (or glue it) to the back of your reef either in the shape of a loop or in the shape of a bow.

Hang it up and you have a beautiful creative handmade reef!




Become a follower of our blog for more exciting activity ideas to do at home.

For “How To” videos go to our YouTube Channel and click Subscribe. Share your awesome masterpieces with #creationstation on The Creation Station Ltd Facebook  or Twitter page for your chance to win one of our monthly craft giveaways. For local classes, parties and events visit www.thecreationstation.co.uk